A satirical illustration by Bernard Aldebert (1909-1974), titled "The Aryan type", pointing out the irony of "Blond as Adolf Hitler, thin as Hermann Wilhelm Goering and tall as Joseph Goebbels". Part of the
A satirical illustration by Bernard Aldebert (1909-1974), titled "The Aryan type", pointing out the irony of "Blond as Adolf Hitler, thin as Hermann Wilhelm Goering and tall as Joseph Goebbels". Part of the
On April 12, 2019, a diverse assembly of Croatian Jews, Serbs, anti-fascists, and Roma convened at the site of the Croatian WWII death camp, Jasenovac, for a poignant act of remembrance. United in
On June 22, 2017, in a solemn display of remembrance and resilience, Russian President Vladimir Putin stood in the rain at a wreath-laying ceremony in Moscow, Russia, to mark the anniversary of the
Lepa Svetozara Radić, a brave 17-year-old Yugoslav partisan executed by the Nazi Germans on February 8, 1943. Facing death, she displayed unwavering courage, refusing to betray her comrades. Lepa Radić was a Bosnian
The Tjentište War Memorial, nestled in the heart of Bosnia and Herzegovina, stands as a poignant tribute to the valor and sacrifice of the Partisan fighters who fell during the Battle of the